The move is worthwhile
We look back 15 years
I heated with oil and that was really expensive ...
Please enter the average annual consumption of the last few years here. Note: especially mild winters can falsify the results.
per year
... if I would have heated with pellets ...
kg pellets per year
per year
... would still be available to me and my family ...
after 1 year | € |
after 7 years | € |
after 10 years | € |
after 15 years | € |
This fuel comparison takes into account the following efficiencies: old oil boiler 80%; pellet boiler 90% |
Average price of heating oil EL | 6,8 | Cent/kWh
You can best compare different fuel or energy sources with the costs per kilowatt/hour of energy generated. In cent/kWh, as you are familiar with from household electricity. This value is calculated based on the energy content of the respective fuel. The efficiency of the corresponding heat generator is not considered in this value! 1 litre of oil contains 10 kWh energy 1 kilogram pellets 4.9 kWh energy |
Average prices of the last 15 years; target: IWO,BMWFW,Fuel price monitor, Genol, proPellets Austria |
Average price of pellets | 4,19 | Cent/kWh You can best compare different fuel or energy sources with the costs per kilowatt/hour of energy generated. In cent/kWh, as you are familiar with from household electricity. This value is calculated based on the energy content of the respective fuel. The efficiency of the corresponding heat generator is not considered in this value! 1 litre of oil contains 10 kWh energy 1 kilogram pellets 4.9 kWh energy |